Contagious Culture of Inclusivity: The 3 Steps to Shifting Your Workplace (1 CVBP Credit Hour Level I & II)
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Understand the difference between diversity & inclusion. Identify ways to initiate change, shifting your mindset and practical approach to a more inclusive workplace.
Health & WELLne$$ - Living Beyond the Number$ (2 RACE Credits)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Financial Basics for Veterinary Professionals
Compassion Fatigue 101: What Veterinary Professionals Need to Know (2 RACE Credits)
CourseRegain control over compassion fatigue with behavioral health expert Dr. Barry Feldman P.h.D.
A 5-Step Formula for Creating a Life and Veterinary Career You Love (2 CVBP Credits)
CourseThis is Dr. Hawley's signature wellbeing talk! In this talk, Dr. Hawley talks about his 5-Step framework or formula for creating a life and veterinary career of your own design! Whether you're looking to overcome burnout or find wellbeing, watch it!
24 Hour Mastery Boot Camp: How to 10X Your 'Me' Time, Performance, and Happiness Without Burning Yourself Out (2 CVBP Credit Hours)
Course5.0 average rating (5 reviews)You will learn how to make time serve your wellbeing! This course contains practical time hacks that will help you become a true master of your 24 hours!
Repairing Connection (1 CVBP Credit Hour)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Pre pandemic or post, lonliness is on the rise. Learn how you can connect and keep isolation at bay.