Health & WELLne$$ - Living Beyond the numbers
Financial wellness basics for veterinary professionals. Introducing NEW instructors! Introducing Tom Seeko & CJ Burnett with Florida Veterinary Advisors
Cofounders of Florida Veterinary Advisors
Effortlessly save more money, increase your wealth and feel better
Understand common questions about building wealth
Get out of debt sooner by busting myths
Discover how you can achieve financial freedom even as a veterinary professional
Align your finances with your life plans
Create financial security
A warm welcome to Tom Seeko & CJ Burnett
FVA Course Workbook | Downloadable E-book
FVA Savings Chart
Presentation with discussion
Actions & Results
Test your knowledge - required for CE certificate
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No! Tom & CJ co-founders of Florida Veterinary Advisors are a breath of fresh air in the world of *stuffy* finance!